Children's Ministry
- Children's Ministry
- Connect Camps
- Kids Choir
- M3 Wednesday Nights
- Partners in Education
- Upward Basketball and Cheer
- Vacation Bible School (VBS)
- Children's Ministry
- Kids Choir
- Upward Basketball and Cheer
- Kids Connection
- Bible Drill
- Parent's Night Out
- Vacation Bible School (VBS)
- Partners in Education
- M3 Wednesday Nights
- Connect Camps
Our Children's Ministry
First Pineville is committed to growing “F.I.R.S.T. Kids,” children who are focused on God, involved in ministry, respected by peers, strengthened in faith and transformed by Christ.
Focused on God - A First Kid will...
- Develop and maintain a vital personal relationship with Jesus Christ as his or her Lord and Savior.
- Understand that God has a purpose and plan for his or her life.
- Be biblically literate and biblically sound in his or her beliefs.
- Understand the power of prayer, know how to pray, and be faithful to pray.
- Have a life-changing grasp of worship as communication with God.
- Participate actively in worship.
Involved in Ministry - A First Kid will...
- Be involved in areas of service.
- Developer his or her gifts and talents by using them for the Lord.
- Be allowed to lead in the church.
- Enjoy a sense of family with the broader church family as he or she serves with others and builds intergenerational relationships.
- Connect with a church if he or she leaves Pineville for college.
- Find ministry through a local church a natural part of who he or she is.
- Understand, support, and participate in missions.
Respected by Peers - A First Kid will...
- Be a leader on his or her school campus (junior high and high school).
- Develop a strong bond with the First Pineville children's group and youth group.
- Know by experience that Christians can have fun.
- Be a witness in his or her daily life as he or she lives with integrity and consistency.
Strengthened in Faith - A First Kid will...
- Have confidence in his or her walk with Christ.
- Have a foundation with which to deal with the real world.
- Be able to defend boldly his or her faith while communicating love and respect for other religions and denominations.
Transformed by Christ - A First Kid will...
- Be a person of integrity and compassion who lives by the Golden Rule.
- Be morally strong.
Check in/Security
It is our desire that our children's area be a safe and loving environment. In order to provide the best care and teaching moments for your children, we ask that you adhere to the following check-in and security procedures.
First through Sixth Grades
We ask that you please check in and check out your child each week by signing them in at their classroom doorway. Please note, your child will NOT be released to another child/sibling. We will only release your child to a parent/guardian or grandparent. We also, will NOT allow children to meet you in another area of the church (Fellowship Hall/Youth Room/etc.) or to leave the Children’s Suite. You MUST come and sign them out.
Our procedures for dismissal on Wednesday evening for First through Sixth grades are different than Sunday mornings, because of the location of our campus, on Wednesday evenings we will NOT allow Fifth and Sixth graders to release themselves with a signed authorization. This practice will ONLY be for Sunday mornings after Sunday School.

Cub Scout Pack 21

M3 F.I.R.S.T. Kids Wednesday Night Activities

Scouts BSA Troop 8

Cub Scout Pack 21

M3 F.I.R.S.T. Kids Wednesday Night Activities

Scouts BSA Troop 8

Cub Scout Pack 21

M3 F.I.R.S.T. Kids Wednesday Night Activities

Scouts BSA Troop 8

Cub Scout Pack 21

M3 F.I.R.S.T. Kids Wednesday Night Activities
Ministry Staff